
Welcome to  Ohio Lions 13 OH 1 

Within each of us lies the heart of a lion.


          Have assets to develop and share to better the lives of those around us,

          Ever search for ways to meet the needs of our communities,

          Assist others in club projects and activities,

          Reach out to mentor new members in Lionism,

          Tell others about Lions International and the joy of service.

Thank you for being a Lion!

DG Deb Crawford









 Millersport, Ohio Lion Ron Keller becomes MD-13's latest International Director, joining PID's Steve Sherer, Steve Thornton, and OH1's Jerry Smith.



2023-2024 Zone Map

2023-2024 zone map1024 1


Dates to remember


May 17th and 18th State Convention at Worthington Double Tree, Columbus

June 21st – 25th Lions International Convention at Melbourne, Australia